Conference Agenda
08:30 – 10:00 – Greeting and getting acquainted with Conference Participants.
10:00 – 10:30 Conference Opening Ceremony. Welcome notes from guests and presentation of Conference Agenda
10:30 – 11:00 – Overview of Agricultural Insurance Markets in Europe (AIAG)
11:00 – 11:30 – Development of Agricultural Insurance in Georgia: Challenges and Way Forward (RDA)
11:30 – 12:00 – Development of Agricultural Insurance in Azerbaijan (AIS)
12:00 – 12:30 – Role of Agricultural Insurance Development in Africa: From “social protection” to “commercialisation» of rural smallholders (KMD)
12:30 – 13:00 – Parametric Microinsurance in Latin America: Changing the Small-Holder Famers Risk Cooping Strategies
Lunch and drinks are provided to registered participants
Practical application of Earth Observation technologies in agricultural insurance – efficiencies and sales results
14:00 – 14:30 – NDVI and Soil Moisture index insurance — lessons learned from the field (Planet)
14:30 – 15:00 – Hybrid Emergence guarantee for crops (AXA Climate)
15:00 – 15:30 – Faster portfolio management with satellite imagery leads to increased market share (EarthDaily Agro)
16:00 – 16:30 – From tomatoes to wheat. From land-bank to a field. Satellite data solving global and local challenges in agriculture. (EOS)
16:30 – 17:00 – Addressing climate risk for small scale farmers: Index insurance made easy (eLeaf)
17:00 – 17:30 – Index based- and parametric solutions. Status quo and future opportunities (Hannover Re)
Conference Team reserves Monday evening for participants to have their free time and plan meetings in advance.
Alternatively, an evening walking tour of Tbilisi is organised for the interested participants: Starting from the Biltmore Hotel and finishing by the Sulphur Baths’ district in the heart of the Old Town.
This walk will take one on a journey from Tbilisi of the present through the centuries to its’ very foundation. Expect introduction to history, culture, fun facts, and more.
The tour shall pass by and/or tell about: Rustaveli avenue, Parliament of Georgia, Freedom Square, Old Town walls, Rezo Gabriadze’s Theatre & Clock tower, Anchiskhati basilica, Peace bridge, Meidan square, Narikala fortress, Sulphur Baths’ district.
Participants meeting for a morning coffee and individual discussions at the Conference Foyer
10:00 – 10:40 – Carbon capture trends and the role of agriculture insurance (Swiss Re)
10:40 – 11:20 – Challenges of index insurance. Basis risk and the use of Remote Sensing to enhance index insurance programs. (AgroInsurance International)
11:20 – 12:00 – Remote sensing based agriculture monitoring services. Trends & examples for agro-insurance. (VITO)
12:00 – 12:40 – Geodata Products for Agricultural Insurance Value Chain based on Spatial Analytics and Earth Observation (GAF)
14:00 – 14:30 – From Damage Report to Claim Settlement: Technology Application for Hail Damage Assessment on Grapes (Agrihost)
14:30 – 15:00 – Connecting the Agriculture Security Chain (GreenTriangle)
15:00 – 15:30 – Integration of geospatial data and machine learning – innovative way to support loss adjustment in analysis of heavy rains or spring frosts (Opegieka)
Discussion about importance of program structure, implementation and delivery mechanisms, data management and ways to reduce basis risk.
Field Visit Day (full day programme)
Participants will spend a working day in Kakheti region of Georgia. All attendees will have an opportunity to practice various technologies applied in agricultural insurance: drone applications, use of very high resolution (VHR) satellite data and imagery, methods of loss adjustment.
AgriTech Field Quest will be supported by Conference Partners – Skyglyph, EarthDaily Agro and GreenTriangle. Participants will practice several mobile applications for remote sensing crop monitoring, portfolio management, agricultural underwriting and loss adjustment.
Transportation, food snacks and Traditional Georgian Dinner will be provided to all participants.
More details will be duly published and communicated in advance to all confirmed Conference Participants and AgroInsurance contacts.